GAMES Back to My World

WelCome to my games blog... here you'll find updates on all the games that I play - computer games, board games, and my latest PSP craze! I'm a crazy gamer!


Below are all the Board Games that I currently own!



September 2007
October 2007
November 2007

Saturday, November 3, 2007


Players have to describe a word on a card without using that word of the other words listed on the card. The opposite team will buzz that player if he / she makes a mistake.

You can try the american version if your English is pretty strong and your knowledge is wide. Otherwise stick to the Singapore version which is much easier to relate. =p Mine is the Singapore version.


@3:02:00 PM

Friday, November 2, 2007


You are digging for gold in the depths of a mine. Some fellow players are working hand in hand with you to dig for gold while some are out to sabotage your plan. So who is who? Will you reach the gold or will the saboteur manage to stop you? Do you know who's for you and who's against you?


@2:50:00 PM

Thursday, November 1, 2007


Players strive for the best collection of noble heads over 3 rounds. Each round, 12 nobles are lined up for the guillotine. The nobles are worth varying points, depending on their notoriety. During your turn, you play action cards to change the order of the line so that you can collect the best nobles.

I bought this game after hearing some recommendations about it being an easy game and suitable as a party game. Sounds quite fun to me although I haven't really tried it (oh I tried it by myself... is tat counted?!)


@2:43:00 PM

Saturday, October 13, 2007

*PSP update*

Haven't udpated my game blog for quite awhile... cos I was busy playing my PSP. I'm planning to write a FAQ for PSP Sims2 after I complete the world game... then I'll probably re-play slowly to write the FAQ. Meanwhile I'm saving up for a new PSP game... was at Sim Lim Square yesterday... and its so tempting to buy new games. But I guess its not time to spent $ so gota wait. I think by the time I'm done with the FAQ for Sims2 which is probably in a few weeks time... I should be able to buy a new game liao. Hehehe.

Oh yah... I'm still looking for a case for my PSP slim... most shops only sell the casing for normal PSP. Sigh...


@12:40:00 PM

Monday, September 24, 2007

*Memory Stick...*

Haha... I didn't manage to wait till my next pay day to buy the memory stick. Cos it didn't make sense for me to play Sims 2 without being able to save my game (I needed the memory stick to save games). So I went back to the shop today to purchase a 4GB memory stick... and it came with some games loaded in the memory stick... cool ah... now I have more than 1 game!!! But it also means that I'm quite broke now and gota watch my expenses quite tightly. hehe.


@11:27:00 PM

Sunday, September 23, 2007

*My latest TOY...*

Yes.... I just bought myself a PSP slim & lite... its the latest version of PSP (the difference btw this and the normal PSP is that this is slimer and lighter and it can connect to tv... althou I haven't tried yet!) ... I think its released just a few weeks ago... probably end Aug or early Sep 07.

I kinda regret getting this slim & lite... reason being that there is little accessories released thus far cos this is still very new in the market! I should have gotten the slightly older version so I wouldn't have difficulty finding the accessories (like the casing etc).

Anyway... I'm really amazed by my PSP... am still excited by the only game that I bought (ie. The Sims 2!). I'm hoping to save up for a 4GB memory stick and another game (ie. Audition)... the memory stick alone will cost me close to $100 ... not too sure how much the game will cost me. Shouldn't take me too long to be able to afford them... probably next pay day can buy :p provided I don't fall sick anymore in the next few weeks (I can't afford any more unpaid leave).


@9:30:00 PM

Monday, September 10, 2007


This is a game that I bought but haven't had a chance to play it. Actually I tried this game long time ago and I kinda liked it... so I bought it a few months back ... but its still brand new. Hahaha... probably still waiting for people to play with me. Its quite a simple game...


@11:45:00 PM

Tuesday, September 4, 2007


Needless to say... voted No. 1 by me = CITADEL! Yes... my favourite sentence to my kaki is 'you don't kill, don't steal one right?' and yes... I'll start taking the character of assasin or theft... hahaha. Its funny lor. Play 2 players citadel... we create our own rules. Hahaha. This game may sound a little complicated for newbies but once you get a hang of the game, its really fun. There are 8 characters in this game - assassin, theft, magician, king, bishop,merchant, architech,warlord. Each character has its own special powers. Although I like this game but I'm not really that good at it. Anyone keen to play?


@10:37:00 AM